....your Back to the Wall
....Your Back to the Wall My next piece of work with an entirely different chain of thoughts. A slightly different concept and attempt. Posting this with after a lot of initial hesitation. Would love thoughts and feedback. ANYONE SHARING THIS ..SMALL REQUEST TO PLEASE TAG ME ON THE SHARE. Would love to hear reactions and perspectives. Now for the dissection of the thought. At the outset - READ IT TWICE (to experience 2 perspectives) Is the poem intended to portray a dark truth? Maybe, and there seems to be an attempt to. A dark truth that we as a society are very well aware of, empathize with and feel strongly about but choose to subtly turn away from and live with - whether we are the "victim" herself or a mere onlooker. Issue is this form of harassment is not physical or verbal that can be addressed, but it lurks everywhere. And many a time nothing gets done because its an evil that does not physically harm anyone but causes deep mental and emotional trauma - that uneasy, ...